Joomla project supported by everest poker review.



The proyect Phoenix Tour 2018, consists of 3 main lines of activity, his progression as a soloist dancer, the diffusion and the divulgation and investigation of culture, art and culture.

The progression as a soloist dancer through various Galas, Festivals & Competitions,

among them is the premiere of his new choreography The Essence of Time performed by the dancer Jolanta Lubeja and himself, next May 14 at the Auditorium of the Latvian National Library in Riga organized by the Embassy of Spain in Latvia, the gala Possible VIII where he will premiere Human, a solo created specifically for him by Raimonds Martinovs, as well as his participation in several galas & festivals of international prestige such as as the Latvian National Ballet Centennial Gala on November 2 in Riga as well as the numerous events related to the Latvijas Simtgade, the centenary of Latvia in November.

The diffusion of culture, art and dance to the general public,

continuing with the Spanish national tour of the Itinerant Photographic Exhibition of De Zaragoza al Mundo alongside with the photographer Alberto Rodrigálvarez in collaboration with the Fundación CAI y la Casa de la Danza de Logroño, also participating in the Charity Auction of Rioja Wine Bottles dedicated and signed during the award ceremony of the Amigos de Honor 2018 of this institution, the creation of his Promotional Video 2018 in November, as well as several events that will be announced in the coming months.

The divulgation and investigation of culture, art and culture,

this line has recently been released through his Professional Inquiry on January 18 at Middlesex University in London and will continue throughout the tour with the publication of various articles, both academic and divulgative.

International choreographic contest DANCING CATALONIA

Catalonia distinctly different! Nestled in the North East area of Spain with it's borders from the pristine Pyrenees mountains to the enticing Mediterranean sea and encompassing the fabulous city of Barcelona. This is a unique area of Spain and the World!

Filled with picturesque villages, breathtaking beaches and a distinct culture this is a "must see" for everyone!
Our Festival Dancing Catalonia attracts participants from all over the World who come and compete in our Festival and experience this unique area of Spain.

Our Festival is for dancers of all types and disciplines, wether solo or groups! all competing against the best in their fields against participants from all over the World.
The Festival is filled with activities including a Flash Mob performed right next to the beach!  Not only will our Festival give you the opportunity to perform and compete, experience the area and enjoy yourself but it will also allow you to form new friendships and exchange cultures!

Come and discover something distinctly different with us!
Forward for creative inspiration!


26, 27 y 28 DE OCTUBRE

El V Fórum Melilla 2017 se presenta como una oportunidad única para potenciar el networking empresarial en el marco del nuevo Turismo Creativo y Sostenible, de primordial interés en el escenario internacional actual.

"Melilla, La Puerta del Mediterráneo"

Bajo este titular, la quinta edición, dedicada al Turismo Sostenible y Creativo, es un evento internacional de primordial interés en la Programación Oficial de la Organización Mundial de Turismo (OMT), con 18 países invitados del Mediterráneo: ARGELIA, CHIPRE, CROACIA, EGIPTO, FRANCIA, GRECIA, ITALIA, LÍBANO, LIBIA, MALTA, MARRUECOS, PORTUGAL, REINO UNIDO, ISRAEL, PALESTINA, SIRIA, TÚNEZ, TURQUÍA.


Además se unirán otros VEINTE PONENTES SELECCIONADOS POR CONVOCATORIA PÚBLICA, MANDATARIOS Y REPRESENTANTES DE CIUDADES Y TERRITORIOS CREATIVOS DE ESPAÑA, emprendedores y empresarios, que se darán a conocer a finales de Septiembre y que optan a la “Copa España Creativa” que se entregará el 28 de Octubre en el Teatro Kursaal Melilla.

•DESFILE DE MODA ÉTICA-SOSTENIBLE Y ARTES ESCÉNICAS. DÍA 26 OCTUBRE, Melilla La Vieja - Desfile Colección Primavera-Verano 2018 del diseñador Ion Fiz confeccionada en el Taller de Cultura y Desarrollo  Lal La Buya con la colaboración de la Asociación de Creadores de Moda de España. Contará con la actuación musical de Inonncence. Se presenta la Colección de Ion Fiz, María Lafuente y Modesto Lomba.

•TALLER DE PINTURA ANTONIO LÓPEZ Y ANDRÉS IBAÑEZ. DEL 24 AL 27 OCTUBRE, Hospital del Rey- Organizado por la Fundación de Arte Ibáñez Consentino y la Consejería de Cultura y Festejos de la Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla. *CONVOCATORIA PÚBLICA ABIERTA hasta el 28 de Septiembre.

•TORNEO 3X3 SOLIDARIO. 27 OCTUBRE, Plaza de las Culturas – Organizado por la Consejería de Deportes de la Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla, la Federación de Baloncesto de Melilla, la Fundación Javier Imbroda y la Fundación DeporteCultura Solidarios de Felipe Reyes e Iñaki de Miguel.

•MASTERCLASS “CREATIVIDAD Y COCINA DEL MEDITERRÁNEO”.- 28 OCTUBRE, Melilla La Vieja - Dirigida por Dani García y con el patrocinio de Trasmediterránea y con la colaboración de Proyecto Melilla y Muralla. *CONVOCATORIA PÚBLICA ABIERTA, plazas limitadas.

Se convoca a todas las Ciudades y Territorios jurídicamente constituidos, así como a Empresas, Emprendedores y Organizaciones no lucrativas, a presentar sus PROYECTOS URBANOS INNOVADORES Y CREATIVOS - Hasta el 22 SEPTIEMBRE 2017.

1ª.- Creatividad e Innovación Económica y Tecnológica.

2ª.- Creatividad e Innovación Cultural y Artística.

3ª.- Creatividad e Innovación Social y Territorial.

El Fórum tendrá lugar en uno de los lugares más emblemáticos de la ciudad, el Kursaal Melilla.

*El Aforo será limitado - Hasta 300 localidades | INSCRIPCIONES

Se reservará un 50% de las Plazas para Profesionales y Personal de la Administración Local y Autonómica, un 25% para Estudiantes y un 25% para Público en general.

1- Profesionales: en especial, profesionales del Sector Cultural y Creativo, del Sector Deportivo, del Sector Turístico y de Ocio, del Sector Tecnológico y Energético, y del Sector Educativo.

2- Funcionarios y Técnicos de la Administración Local o Autonómica: Ayuntamientos, Consorcios, Agrupaciones, Diputaciones, Cabildos Insulares, Consejos Insulares o Autonomías. Fundamentalmente de las áreas de Urbanismo, Turismo, Economía, Industria e Innovación, Cultura, Deporte, Comunicación, Asuntos Sociales, Tecnología y Medioambiente.

3- Estudiantes de Grado o Posgrado (Doctorado o Máster), fundamentalmente de Ciencias Sociales o Jurídicas (Económicas, Empresa, Políticas o Derecho, además de Educación Física), de Humanidades (Arquitectura, Artes, Bellas Artes, Historia, Comunicación Audiovisual) y Técnicas (Ingeniería de Caminos, Industrial, Informática o de Telecomunicaciones, fundamentalmente), Ciencias del Turismo, Gestión Cultural, Conservación del Patrimonio y Antropología Social y Cultural.

 *Con RECONOCIMIENTO DE CRÉDITOS HASTA 2 ECTS. Resto de Universidades consultar.

4- Público interesado en Turismo Sostenible y Creativo.

En el encuentro tendrán lugar conferencias y mesas redondas en torno al turismo sostenible y creativo, como comercio y creatividad en el Mediterráneo, transporte y conectividad, inclusión social, pobreza o cambio climático, urbanismo sostenible o salvaguarda del patrimonio. Así mismo en el Fórum de Melilla, se desarrollarán actividades experienciales en industrias creativas, tales como, en gastronomía, concierto de música intercultural, desfile de moda ética de Lal La Buya, proyecto ganador de la Copa España Creativa 2016, entre otras.
Copa España Creativa Melilla 2017
El ganador del proyecto más innovador y creativo de España se dará a conocer en el marco del V Fórum el sábado 28 de octubre.
Más información en

Contacto: +34 692 277 891 |

España Creativa

Our mailing address is:
España Creativa

La N@ve | Calle Cifuentes, 5
Madrid, Villaverde
Madrid, Madrid 28021

I Festival LDC
“Un lugar donde compartir”

Primer festival con un estupendo programa de funciones, talleres,encuentros.
Del 3 al 14 de Octubre, en Madrid y Valladolid​

  • Dia 6 de Octubre de 2017

    Estudio 3: Miradas

    LAVA, Laboratorio de las Artes de Valladolid, a las 12:00.
    Función para jóvenes.
  • Dia 7 de Octubre de 2017

    Estudio 3: Miradas

    Centro Cultural Sanchinarro, a las 19:00 horas 
    C/ Princesa de Éboli, 29 - 28050 Madrid
    • Dia 8 de Octubre de 2017

      "Díalogos de Danza”

      en el Centro Cultural Sanchinarro a las 20:00 horas.
      Con la colaboración de la Academia de las Artes Escénicas de España

      DIALOGOS DE DANZA es un encuentro entre dos coreógrafos académicos, que dialogan entre sí, sobre las diferentes formas y metodologías del proceso creativo de un espectáculo, que va más allá de la creación coreográfica. Compartiendo sus experiencias con el público.

      Este es el primero de los encuentros organizados y creados por la Especialidad de Danza de la Academia de las Artes Escénicas de España, siendo su delegada Alicia Soto.

    Proyecto Laboratorio-espectáculo

    “Y tu, ¿a quién traes?"

    del 10 al 13 de Octubre
    Teatro la Sensación, Ciudad Real

    • Laboratorio:

      del 10 al 11 de Octubre
      Dirigido a todas aquellas personas que quieran compartir una experiencia artística y escénica.
      Horario: de 20:30h a 22:30h
      Lugar: Teatro la Sensación
      (Calle Monjas, 1, 13003 Ciudad Real, Cdad. Real, España)
    • Funciones:

      dia 12 y 13, a las 21:00 horas
      Lugar: Teatro la Sensación
      (Calle Monjas, 1, 13003 Ciudad Real, Cdad. Real, España)
    • Con la colaboración de

      Teatro de la Sensación

      participación en

      Performing Arts Market
      in Seoul 2017 PAMS

      Del 16 al 19 de Octubre

      Compañía invitada dentro del stand Dance From Spain, organizado por el ICEX, España Exportación e Inversiones.

      Os esperamos.

    • Alicia Soto - Hojarasca

      +34 619 400 184
    • Nuestra dirección postal es:
      Alicia Soto - Hojarasca
      C/ Santa Clara nº 51 Bajo
      Burgos, Burgos 09002



Titulo y Descripción Clase magistral:

Feeling Flamenco, by Ángel Martínez

El flamenco es el arte dancístico de España por excelencia, un conjunto de expresiones artísticas evolucionadas durante siglos que reúne todas las culturas que pasaron por el país. Arte exportado a todos los rincones del planeta, arte por el que miles de personas acuden a España a aprender y formarse y arte que cientos de países reclaman para su aprendizaje. Culturas de un pueblo plasmadas en 30 minutos de la mano del director y coreógrafo Ángel Martínez.




Titulo y Descripción de la actuación de grupo

Inspiration, by “Nuevo Amanecer Ángel Martínez” Dance Company

La compañía ganadora de los campeonatos nacionales 2016 y 2017 de danza de España realizará un breve repaso por la danza del país, mostrando un variado repertorio de arte comprometido con la raíz de un pueblo pero cambiante como la propia historia de la danza. Inspiration pretende ser la expresión máxima del sentimiento por la danza que llevada a su expresión mas artística da luz a un espectáculo de inigualable belleza.

Duración: 10 minutos




Ángel Martínez de la Casa Jarama

Escuela de Danza Ángel Martínez




Fusion Tour 2017 (November 2016- September 2017): Spain & Latvia

The project Fusion Tour 2017, consists of 3 main lines of activity, the first one, it is his participation in various Galas & Festivals. The second line of activity is the diffusion of art, dance and ballet through various events such as the Photo Exhibition in collaboration with the photographer Alberto Rodrigálvarez and the Spanish Foundation, Fundación CAI, which will take place at the Centro Joaquín Roncal in Zaragoza (Spain) from April 17th to May 6th, or the publication of his second Promotional Video in September and that will end this tour. Finally, the divulgation and research of art, dance and ballet through the publication of several articles is the last line of activity of the project.





2017 ENGLISH programme MueBT

Adjuntamos nota de prensa, cartel promocional y programa de la semana de MueBT 2017, la II Muestra de Baile de Torremolinos, que tendrá lugar del 27 de febrero al 4 de marzo de 2017, ambos inclusive
Muchas gracias por ayudarnos en la difusión de evento.
Les esperamos en Torremolinos
Beatriz Bustos Jerónimo
Directora Departamento Municipal de Baile
Ayuntamiento de Torremolinos
C/ Dª María Barrabino, 16, 2ª Planta.
29620 Torremolinos (Málaga)
Teléfono: +34 952 40 92 10 / 13 – 629 512 896. Fax: +34 952 37 65 98
Página Web:
Correo electrónico:
Correo centralita:


Youtube (VÍDEOS)
Flickr (FOTOS)
Issu (Revistas BAILANDO)

International choreographic contest “INTERNATIONAL DANCE GAMES” ®. The idea of holding such contest as International Dance Games is caused by the Olympic ideal of competitiveness in a fair contest of dance groups from all over the world. This idea should inspire people to feel the spirit of the event, regardless of the artistic level of their performances. The main idea of our events is to motivate young dancers to make their dreams come true, to show the public what they are capable of, to demonstrate art to the spectators and to give the group leaders a possibility to exchange experiences. The idea of International dance games is expressed in the experience of millions of people from all over the world, in promotion of peace, friendship, fraternal relationships and solidarity of nations through the art of dance, rich traditions and national standards of self expression and communication. Through the language of art people from different countries meet and exchange the most sacred things – works of cultural and artistic expression. Regularly choreographic groups from different countries meet on the International Dance Games to make a contribution to the matter of peace and mutual understanding among people from all over the world. And all together they celebrate a grand holiday of dance as it’s a common language for people from all over the world.FiestaloniaMileniois a constant member of CID UNESCO / The dance council under UNESCO.

The contest is held once a year moving from one country to another.

The name of the contest INTERNATIONAL DANCE GAMES ® is protected by the international patent!

All our programs consist of two parts:

  1. Participation in the competition and festival
  2. Participation without competing in the competition in the framework of the festival program *.

* For the dancers who don’t want to participate in the competitive program, but wish to participate in the festival are provided with joint rehearsals, workshops and master classes, where they receive advice and an official certificate from the renowned international experts during a brief discussion in an open and friendly atmosphere. Non competing dancers will also perform at international friendship concerts combining with different choreographic directions.

Communication with other participants, an open exchange of experience as well as a lot of master classes with internationally recognized experts, will certainly bring you to a whole new level of creativity!


Dates of the event

25 – 29 June 2017 – Lloret de Mar, Spain

Languages of the festival

  • English and Spanish.

Why is it worth participating in this contest

  • it is one of the biggest contests of dance teams;
  • there are impressive opening and closing ceremonies;
  • the system of evaluation guarantees the highest quality of judging;
  • trainings, master-classes, round tables with the leading specialists and tutors;
  • full board (buffet: breakfast, lunch, dinner + drinks);
  • official international numbered certificates with the results of the contest are given not only to the dance teams, but each individual participant is also given a personalized certificate;
  • team heads and sponsors are given personalized thank-you letters;
  • each dance team is given a personalized certificate for its contribution into the cultural international progress in the form of engraving on a special base;
  • master classes.

How to take part in the contest?


To take part in the contest contact us at our e-mail:
Telephone: 0034 972 376 550 / 0034 602 493 188



International choreographic contest “INTERNATIONAL DANCE GAMES” ®. The idea of holding such contest as International Dance Games is caused by the Olympic ideal of competitiveness in a fair contest of dance groups from all over the world. This idea should inspire people to feel the spirit of the event, regardless of the artistic level of their performances. The main idea of our events is to motivate young dancers to make their dreams come true, to show the public what they are capable of, to demonstrate art to the spectators and to give the group leaders a possibility to exchange experiences. The idea of International dance games is expressed in the experience of millions of people from all over the world, in promotion of peace, friendship, fraternal relationships and solidarity of nations through the art of dance, rich traditions and national standards of self expression and communication. Through the language of art people from different countries meet and exchange the most sacred things – works of cultural and artistic expression. Regularly choreographic groups from different countries meet on the International Dance Games to make a contribution to the matter of peace and mutual understanding among people from all over the world. And all together they celebrate a grand holiday of dance as it’s a common language for people from all over the world.FiestaloniaMileniois a constant member of CID UNESCO / The dance council under UNESCO.

The contest is held once a year moving from one country to another.

The name of the contest INTERNATIONAL DANCE GAMES ® is protected by the international patent!

All our programs consist of two parts:

  1. Participation in the competition and festival
  2. Participation without competing in the competition in the framework of the festival program *.

* For the dancers who don’t want to participate in the competitive program, but wish to participate in the festival are provided with joint rehearsals, workshops and master classes, where they receive advice and an official certificate from the renowned international experts during a brief discussion in an open and friendly atmosphere. Non competing dancers will also perform at international friendship concerts combining with different choreographic directions.

Communication with other participants, an open exchange of experience as well as a lot of master classes with internationally recognized experts, will certainly bring you to a whole new level of creativity!


Dates of the event

25 – 29 June 2017 – Lloret de Mar, Spain

Languages of the festival

  • English and Spanish.

Why is it worth participating in this contest

  • it is one of the biggest contests of dance teams;
  • there are impressive opening and closing ceremonies;
  • the system of evaluation guarantees the highest quality of judging;
  • trainings, master-classes, round tables with the leading specialists and tutors;
  • full board (buffet: breakfast, lunch, dinner + drinks);
  • official international numbered certificates with the results of the contest are given not only to the dance teams, but each individual participant is also given a personalized certificate;
  • team heads and sponsors are given personalized thank-you letters;
  • each dance team is given a personalized certificate for its contribution into the cultural international progress in the form of engraving on a special base;
  • master classes.

How to take part in the contest?

To take part in the contest contact us at our e-mail:
Telephone: 0034 972 376 550 / 0034 602 493 188


International contest“SEA, SUN, FESTIVAL” is a festival contest of various genres which corresponds to its name as the participants find themselves on the warm coast of the Mediterranean sea, under the hot Spanish sun, and, of course, beautiful happy days of the competition. After the long everyday working life, studies, and laborious rehearsals finally there comes that long expected time of the competitions of creative groups. Talented young people from all over the world are ready to make us happy by their creative work again and again. Here in Spain all the most cherished dreams come true as our international contest is a possibility to meet old friends, find new ones, relax, slide down the steep slide into the deep of caressing Mediterranean sea, and fly high up into the air having shown everyone their achievements in the world of art!
This contest gives young artists a possibility to become winners of a prestigious international contest, and it also combines with a great recreation on the beaches of the Costa Brava and a splendid excursion program which will make your stay even nicer. It’s recommended to come to this contest with all the family or with a whole school class. We are very glad to see not only the contestants but also their cheerleading teams at this festival!

All of our programs consist of two parts:

  1. Participation in the competition and festival
  2. Participation in the Festival without competing in the competition*.

* For those who don’t want to participate in the competitive program, but wish to participate in the festival. They will still participate in the other festival activities including: joint rehearsals, workshops and master classes, where they receive advice and an official certificate from the renowned international experts during a brief discussion in an open and friendly atmosphere. Non competing participants will also perform at international friendship concerts combining different kinds of art.

Communication with other participants, an open exchange of experience as well as a lot of master classes with internationally recognized experts, will certainly bring you to a whole new level of creativity!

Dates of the event

18 – 23 September 2016
30 April – 05 May 2017 | 18 – 23 June 2017 | 09 – 14 July 2017 | 17 – 22 September 2017
06 – 11 May 2018 | 17 – 22 June 2018 | 08 – 13 July 2018 | 23 – 28 September 2018
05 – 10 May 2019 | 16 – 21 June 2019 | 07 – 12 July 2019 | 22 – 27 September 2019

How to take part in the contest?

To book a contest trip contact us at our e-mail:info@fiestalonia.netTelephone: 0034 972 376550 / 0034 688 276248 After that we will refer you to the authorized tour operator in you country


International Budgetary Festival – Competition in Spain THE PLACE OF HOLIDAYis held during the November holidays. The festival participants are staying in the legendary Costa Brava region!

The competition is full of sightseeing tours and recreational activities. All participants will receive a diploma from UNESCO plus samples and gifts. At the gala concert all compete for a new award – The Audience Award.

Budgetary Festival – Competition in Spain THE PLACE OF HOLIDAY –this is a cultural event, representing the achievements of creative groups. The main purpose of the festival is to showcase the art to the viewer.

The basic idea of the international festival – competition in SpainTHE PLACE OF HOLIDAY– to provide an opportunity for boys and girls (students) to realize their dreams, to show others what they can do. Therefore, this festival organized by us, is a great creative laboratory for children and adolescents.

All of our programs consist of two parts:

  1. Participation in the competition and festival
  2. Participation in the Festival without competing in the competition*.

* For those who don’t want to participate in the competitive program, but wish to participate in the festival. They will still participate in the other festival activities including: joint rehearsals, workshops and master classes, where they receive advice and an official certificate from the renowned international experts during a brief discussion in an open and friendly atmosphere. Non competing participants will also perform at international friendship concerts combining different kinds of art.

Communication with other participants, an open exchange of experience as well as a lot of master classes with internationally recognized experts, will certainly bring you to a whole new level of creativity!

Dates of the event

04 – 07 November 2016, Spain.
03 – 06 November 2017, Spain.
02 – 05 November 2018, Spain.
01 – 04 November 2019, Spain.

Languages of the festival

– English and Spanish.


How to take part in the contest?

To book a contest trip contact us at our e-mail:info@fiestalonia.netTelephone: 0034 972 376550 / 0034 688 276248 After that we will refer you to the authorized tour operator in you country











The CID Panorama
a program of the
International Dance Council CID, the official organization for dance world wide